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Article I

Name and Definition

  1. The name of the association shall be Alumni Association, Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha – 686 661.
  2. The Association is intended as a fraternity of the former students of the college.
  3. The Association shall have chapters at different places.

Article II


  1. To renew contacts and strengthen relationships among former students and among former and present faculty members, in order to keep alive the high standard of Nirmala’s culture and tradition.
  2. To facilitate former students who have achieved greatness in any field.
  3. To organize academic activities like lectures, seminars, workshops etc. for the benefit of present day students utilizing the service of former students or former members of the teaching faculty.
  4. To institute scholarships for students of outstanding merit in academic and non-academic fields.
  5. To institute awards and prizes for teachers of proven merit; recognized by a competent authority.
  6. To take part in the social and cultural life of the college by sponsoring activities performed by the students and former students of the college.
  7. To publish

a)      Yearly newsletters providing the alumni current information about the college.

b)     Directory containing personal details of all members of the Alumni Association.

  1. To keep alive the spirit of loyalty to the college and a continuing concern for its welfare and to guide assist the college in times of crisis.
  2. Raising funds and securing gifts for the College for students welfare schemes.

    Article III


Section I: 1

Any former student who has completed one academic year in the college shall be eligible for membership of the association.

Section I: II

Any former or present Teacher who has completed one academic year in the college also shall be eligible for membership of the association.

Section 2:

Anyone who fulfills the above conditions and who pays Rs. 50/- annually shall be a member of the association. One who pays Rs. 1000/- shall be deemed a life member.

Amended as on 12th June 2005:

The life membership fee of the foreign chapter members shall also be Rs. 1000/-

Section 2a:

Succession Membership

Life members are eligible to appoint  a nominee to the membership of the association, who shall be  an alumnus of the college. The succession membership fee shall be Rs. 500/-. Only sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters are eligible for succession membership.

Section 3:

Any member who does not pay the annual membership fee for two years consecutively shall cease to be a member.

Section 4:

Honourary Membership may be granted to distinguished persons who have rendered valuable services to the College and the association, as per the decision of the Executive Committee of the Association.


Article IV

Office Bearers of the Association

1)      The Patron of the College shall be the patron of the Association.

2)      The activities of the Association shall be directed by an elected executive.

3)      The Principal of Nirmala College shall be Ex-Officio President of the Association.

4)      The Vice Principal and Bursar of Nirmala College shall be Ex-Officio members of the Executive Committee and the Bursar shall be Ex-Officio Treasurer.

5)      The Executive Committee shall also consist of a President, Vice President , Secretary and Joint Secretary of which the Secretary shall be from the teaching Staff and the others from the old students of Nirmala College. There shall be Sixteen other members in the Executive Committee of which at least two shall be women.

Amended as on 12th June 2005:

  The Executive Committee shall also consist of a President, Working President, Vice President , Secretary and two Joint Secretaries of which the Secretary shall be from the teaching Staff and the others from the old students of Nirmala College. There shall be Twenty Seven other members in the Executive Committee of which at least two shall be women. A maximum of twelve additional persons may be included in the executive committee by incorporating the representatives of the Departmental Alumni Associations.

Article 5

Election of Office Bearers

  1. The Executive Committee shall be elected in the General Body Meeting of the Association.
  2. The Executive Committee shall be in office for a term of three years.
  3. Audit Committee: An audit committee consisting of two members shall be elected at the General Body Meeting.
  4. Meeting of the Executive Committee:

a)      There shall be at least two meetings every year and whenever necessary. The meeting shall be legally constituted if one third of the members are present.

b)     Notice for the meeting shall be given to the members 7 days in advance.

c)      An extraordinary meeting of the executive committee shall be convened at the written to request of 7 members.

d)     Decisions taken by the Executive Committee shall be binding unless questioned by two thirds majority in the General Body Meeting.


Article VI

General Body Meeting

a)      General Body Meeting shall be held at least once  a year. It shall be convened by the executive committee. Thirty members shall constitute the quorum of any General Body Meeting.

b)      In case the Meeting does not take place in the absence of quorum it shall be conducted on a convenient date the following week after giving notice. The members present shall form the quorum.

c)      A special meeting of the General Body can be called at the special written request of thirty members.

d)      The President or in his absence the Vice President or in the absence of the Vice President on member elected at the meeting shall preside over the meeting of the General Body. 

Article VII:


The constitution of the Association may be amended at any General Body Meeting by a two third majority vote of the members present, provided notice of such proposed amendment is given not less that 14 days prior to the date of the meeting.

Article VIII:

Alumni Day

A day in the month of December shall be celebrated as the Alumni Day.

The official year starts from Ist April to March 31st.

Article IX:


  1. The treasurer has to present the audited statement of accounts and the budget for the coming academic year approved by the Executive Committee at the General Body Meeting.
  2. The Bank Account shall be jointly operated by the President and the Treasurer.
  3. The cash in hand with the treasurer shall not exceed Rs. 1000/-

Article X:

Winding up
If seventy five percent of the members decide in favour of dissolution of the Association the assets of the Association shall go to the management of College.